We as [[Principled Peacemakers 🕊️]] are each responsible to embody three core principles for peacemaking by promising: ### Principled Resolution Promise >I promise to authentically, directly, peacefully, and proactively provide feedback and respond to complaints within 30 days. Instead of legal action, I will first seek resolution through direct discussion; second, prepare and share a record detailing my claim, proposed remedy, controlling principles, and undisputed facts with a fellow Principled Peacemaker; third, involve a neutral Principled Peacemaker to help reach an agreeable resolution; and fourth, if required, resolve the dispute by binding arbitration before a mutually acceptable arbitrator. ### Integrity Promise >I promise to be honest, fair, and authentic, always keeping my word and taking responsibility for my actions. I will uphold my ethical principles, build trust, and maintain consistency in my relationships and interactions. ### Mutual Respect Promise >I promise to respect the autonomy of others, to refrain from seeking remedies in excess of their binding promises and agreements, and to refrain from claiming obligations from others greater than my own obligations to them. ### Reputation Acceptance I accept that dishonoring these promises may stain my reputation until I measure the impact and make amends. > [!example]- [[🅦 WikiWe.org]] • [[CC BY-SA 4.0|CC-BY-SA-]]24-04 by [[Principled Peacemakers 🕊️]] > > ##### Notice [[Principled Peacemakers 🕊️]] > - Notice is effective when made via  [[Principled Peacemakers 🕊️]], or later specified in effective written notice provided, or by other notice with acknowledgement of receipt. > ##### Changes (Last `=dateformat(this.file.ctime, "yy-MM")`) > - This document was last modified in `=dateformat(this.file.mtime, "yyyy-MM")`. Any Signal Admin of [[Principled Peacemakers 🕊️]] may propose changes to this document per notice above with changes effective after 7 days without reasoned objection. All changes must be versioned with earlier versions accessible via [[🅦 WikiWe.org]]. >##### Trademarks >- WikiWe™ is a current or intended trademark of Ricardiam DAO LLC.