##### A wise entrepreneur once said... Imagine an company with two employees, tasked with organizing a startup. One morning, the entrepreneur approached the first employee and asked, > "Can you help us innovate our processes to enhance efficiency, integrate cutting-edge technology, and maximize resource utilization?" The first employee, usually engrossed in specific goals and security practices, replied, >"I cannot." Yet, after some thought, this employee decided to contribute. The employer then approached the second employee with the same request. This employee, always vocal about the desire to help, responded immediately, >"Of course, I will help." However, as time passed, caught up in endless meetings without asking questions or seeking understanding, the second employee did not make progress. 'Which of the two,' the entrepreneur asked, 'truly had lasting impact on the startup?' The entrepreneur concluded, >Many express a desire for change and a sustainable future. Yet, it is those who silently commit - and take initiative without seeking the spotlight - that drive real, lasting transformation. > [!NOTE]- Licensed under `=this.license` thru **`=this.owner-group`**, some rights reserved > ##### Notice Notice is effective when made via  `=this.owner-group`. >##### Changes This license was last modified `=dateformat(this.file.mtime, "yyyy-MM-dd")`. Any Signal Admin of `=this.owner-group` may make changes to this document. All changes must be versioned with earlier versions accessible via [[🅦 WikiWe.org]] . >##### Confidentiality Any portion of this content that is shared by either of the Parties with the other Party and marked as confidential shall be treated as confidential under the [[WY IDR 24-03]]. >##### Trademarks >- WikiWe™ is a current or intended trademark of Ricardiam DAO LLC. >##### Arbitration Any issue or dispute arising by any Parties will be subject to binding arbitration appointed according to [[WY IDR 24-03]].