##### A Dr. Jekyll vs Mr. Hyde Dialogue
![[Dr vs Mr Duel Logo.png|500]]
{Image Copycoded™ © Brazen Bry}
{InputRights to each author}
Dr: Let’s play a game “{dialogue-title}”. Here are your choices, {multiple-choice-input}.
Dr: {poetic argument or claim}
Mr: {poetic rebuttal or counter-claim}
{3-10 rhyming pairs repeated, flip order half way}
Mr: 30 or more years of delusion and greed; this small simple stone can collect what we need.
Dr: {closing-statement}
{End of InputRights}
*Derivative © of [[Show Me The Money Games]] by Brazen Bry.
Published 2024-03-01 under WikiWe™ + Eggseed Press Cross License.*
*Copycoded™ Image licensed within WikiWe™ Group Cross License +10-50% Affiliate Share*
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