<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/bJv7SeDl9z8?si=X9Kg-4QavUvH_wnh" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> Youtube Link:: https://www.youtube.com/embed/bJv7SeDl9z8 If you prefer to read, the transcript for the above video is below: Hi I'm Jonny Stryder. Let me tell you about WikiWe. WikiWe is a distributed, open-protocol ecosystem for enabling individuals to build durable wealth and reputations together, without giving up ownership over their own creations, or their autonomy. Here's how it works. Membership in WikiWe begins with agreeing to a [[Principled Peacemakers Compact]] by joining a secure, private communications channel that is visible only to other members of the Compact. Currently, we are using the Signal App and Minds.com to provide these channels. The Peacemakers' Compact is a legally enforceable agreement to resolve all disputes among members using private reconciliation and arbitration based on the principles of peacemaking, integrity, and mutual respect, instead of lawsuits. Peacemakers use WikiWe's distributed, open-protocol system to document and securely record member statements, including but not limited to: agreements with other members, pledges and promises made to designated individuals or groups, and reputation feedback based on specific agreements or pledges. WikiWe's distributed, open-protocol ecosystem is designed to ensure that member records are NOT maintained in any centralized database or held hostage by any corporation. Instead, content and metadata are recorded in a portable markdown format, organized according to an ontology defined by WikiWe, and can be stored anywhere. A fingerprinting protocol ensures that the authenticity of any stored document that complies with the WikiWe protocol can be proven. WikiWe governs itself by dividing power among licensing groups and entities, each of which are democratically governed based on earned equity tokens, and each of which is responsible for certain essential functions. Members can earn voting tokens only by working to advance the goals of an entity or licensing group. All voting tokens are non-transferable and are extinguished when a member withdraws from membership or dies. Now, for a quick tour of WikiWe's essential entities and licensing groups. There is a corporate entity used as a holding company for collective assets such as the WikiWe trademark, and for distributing profits via dividends and token-based perquisites. There are one or more administrative entities used for bookkeeping, tax and regulatory compliance, and other administrative functions. Each administrative entity agrees comply with WikiWe protocols for records and governance. Shares in the holding company that distributes benefits are earned by working for a WikiWe administrative entity or license pool. Development of WikiWe technical protocols and the application of these protocols in transactional marketplaces is the responsibility of a license pool (hub) called Krono.Works. Besides these essential functions, WikiWe supports any group of members that complies with WikiWe protocols and governance standards, and is organized around a common purpose. These groups may sometimes be called license pools or hubs, because each involves a cross-license of commonly developed property among members. WikiWe cross-licenses provide for shared use of property placed in designated repositories, subject to terms and conditions of the license. Each contributor retains ownership of their own property. Use of others' property requires prior consent (which cannot unreasonably be refused) and is subject to a fair share royalty. Any disagreements arising under the license are resolved according to the Principled Peacemakers Compact. WikiWe is designed to support near-term, intermediate-term, and long-term revenue opportunities for its members. In the near-term, members can earn income by taking advantage of WikiWe's contracting and administrative infrastructure to perform paid work for external clients. In the intermediate term, members can use that same infrastructure to build and operate revenue-generating products and services. Finally, in the long-term, members benefit as the value of their shares and tokens increases, presuming that WikiWe is successful in growing its short and intermediate term income over time. WikiWe is an early-stage, member-funded boot-strapped enterprise. Why join? Here are a few reasons: Transparent governance and ownership means no whales! The only way to earn more shares is to spend time working towards shared goals of a license pool. Be an early investor and build up your sweat equity by persistent effort over time. Privacy! Your records and relationships belong to you. Records are stored locally and shared only with those you choose. Surveillance, data brokering, censorship, and other pitfalls of centralized data are prevented. Freedom from captivity! WikiWe's distributed, open-protocol ecosystem means that your data is portable and belongs to you. You can take your identity and reputation anywhere you choose. Equality and mutual respect! All are accountable to all. No one is above the Peacemaker Compact. Every member is empowered to settle their disagreements directly and privately. Investment opportunities for members! Active members can sponsor resources and people. Sponsors earn a right to repayment with bonus out of income received by the projects and pools they choose. WikiWe is still in an early development phase, but I'm pleased with the progress we've made in a year without any traditional capital investment. Our entities are formed, organized, and have operated for a year. We have weathered the storms and pressures every startup must face. We have tested numerous prototypes and coalesced on a roadmap for achieving our technical objectives. Personally, I believe the protocols we are developing have the potential to be bigger than Bitcoin. The social impact can be comparable scale, with effort and a bit of luck. If that happens, it won't be by efforts of a few. Many will be needed, and the early contributors will be the greatest beneficiaries. To learn more, check out WikiWe.org, and stay tuned to this channel for more information! Thanks for watching!