![[israelites-passing-through-the-red-sea-while-fleeing-egypt-pyramid-in-distant-background.png]] For so long as people have been building pyramids and empires, those at the bottom have sought to escape bondage. Then the escapees became corrupted with lust for power by the domineering, and apathy by the sheeple. So the cycle repeated, continuously spiraling forward, leaving history in its wake. Welcome to humanity on a grand scale. Each of us can choose a side. We can spend our lives supporting oppressive empires, or alternatives for freedom and prosperity by fair cooperation with equals. WikiWe was founded to support escape from bondage. Inspired by the great achievements of the open source community, we believe code can be law, and not only in the sense of updating a ledger by a computer network. We're different from every other DAO we know of. Sure, we use token-based voting where collective decision making is unavoidable. But our governance is mainly driven by person-to-person pledges and agreements that are legally enforceable in the human sphere only after our private settlement process is exhausted. WikiWe is continually evolving, but our foundational concepts endure: 1. We each agree to a principled-based governance scheme with distributed private settlement processes and equal power by all members to define their obligations. * Rights equal obligations, unless voluntarily waived. * Each member defines their own obligations. * All conciliators and arbitrators are jointly selected and funded by disputants. * Settlements are based on private voluntary law. 2. We teach and maintain secure repositories of authentic public and private pledges, contracts, credentials, and settlements. Collectively, these repositories function as a secure wallet for each member's reputation and voluntary law. 3. We leverage each other's productivity via non-exclusive licensing pools, with minimal corporate ownership. Everyone retains ownership over their own IP. 4. Where corporate ownership is unavoidable, shares are earned only by active participation in shared goals of the licensing pools. The voting power of earned shares is non-transferable. 5. We design our information infrastructure to scale indefinitely in fractal patterns of interlocking networks, emulating the robust security of cryptographic networks. Our long term goal is to out-compete empires based in fear, force, and lies, and nuture the power of peace for all. In this series, we'll explore how each of these concepts is currently implemented and how implementation might evolve in the future. -Jonny Stryder, first published January 11, 2024 at https://social.wikiwe.org/newsfeed/1592106181340434434